Did you know you have more than 6,000 thoughts a day that are generated by your monkey mind?
It’s a fact that thoughts, distractions, and stress can impact business success and if that stress if left unchecked, it will make you sick. Developing Connected Balance through personal alignment is what creates clarity and drives more effective outcomes.
What if you could feel more confident in your leadership approach and decision-making ability knowing you are making the right decision in the moment?
What tools are you using to guide your decision-making process?
Course Overview
The Connected Balance Experience (CBE) is an experiential learning platform that explores how to harness the intelligence of the heart, mind, body connection using growth mindset tools backed by neuroscience. This interactive training program provides a more aligned method of intention-based decision-making that offers increased clarity, awareness, and emotional control. No longer will you be hijacked by people, situations, circumstances, or your thoughts, as you tap into your own intuitive guidance system and operate from a place of “Connected Balance” while using the CBE community to practice your new tools.
- Learn energy management techniques to reduce overall stress.
- Make better aligned decisions mapped to your authenticity.
- Operate from a place of peaceful ease with a positive perspective.
- Develop new connections and network with like-minded leaders.
- Improve your personal resilience to achieve Connected Balance.
“Our thoughts and feelings influence the chemistry that regulates much of our health — how we feel, for better or worse. Our thoughts, feelings, emotions, and attitudes are just frequencies that we can learn to change — once we put our heart into our intention.”
- Doc Childre, HeartMath
Program Structure
Based on the book Waves of Change, the CBE program includes four interactive courses focused on how to use growth mindset tools to build more effective decision-making skills. Each 4-week mini course includes regular pulse checks to track progress, interactive skill building activities, reflections, and a personalized dashboard report that captures your tangible next steps for practical application. Complete all four courses for the biggest impact and increase your personal resilience to make better aligned decisions that build confidence, productivity, and overall happiness in business and life.
Experience 1: The Power of Core Values
Create your personal roadmap for better navigation as you identify your core values or “north star” and anchor them to your personal goals. Use this information to help lead you on your journey and integrate this new awareness as you plan for your future.
Outcome: Identify your core values and create your personal roadmap.
Experience 2: Heart Intelligence
Building Heart, Mind, Body Connections: Discover heart intelligence and how to use this amazing electromagnetic field to create your heart, mind, and body connection backed by neuroscience. This foundational building block of personal resilience is essential for effective decision-making to better navigate and manage the unpredictability of people, situations, and circumstances. Learn how to operate from a connected state with less stress, confidence, clarity, and self-trust.
Outcome: Learn proven techniques to increase personal resilience, connection, and alignment.
Experience 3: Positive & Emotional Intelligence
Emotional and Positive Intelligence (EQ/PQ): Expand your self-awareness to help manage your behavior, patterns, and attitudes for better self-regulation, energy management, and emotional control. Learn how to use Positive Intelligence™ tools backed by neuroscience to empower yourself in the present moment for better clarity and decision-making impact.
Outcome: Learn to use proven tools that help manage and reduce emotional impact during decision-making.
Experience 4: Energy Intelligence
Discover the power of being “present” to make better decisions with clarity and alignment. Learn how to tap into your intuition, increase your level of informational awareness, and feel the energy in your environment around what wants to happen with people, situations, and circumstances to make better decisions in the moment. Become more self-aware during the decision-making process and create more ease and flow as you operate from a connected state with less stress.
Outcome: Learn how to use the Transformational Presence Model (TPM), inner guidance, and intuition for better decision-making clarity
This self-discovery journey offers invaluable personal insight from the learning experience and the personal connections as you immediately apply all your new skills. After completing all four courses, apply to become a CBE Champion and share your expert knowledge to help shape future program development! Additional CBE coaching services are also available any time during the program.
CBE Coaching
Book a 1-hour personal coaching session to explore best practices, real life scenarios, and examples of how to use CBE tools to create a positive mindset, better decision-making skills, and achieve better Connected Balance.

What Is
Connected Balance?
Misalignment is a challenge we all live with at some point in our lives. It is a disconnection from who we really are, what we want to accomplish, and how we want to spend our time on our terms. The new book Waves of Change discusses how growth mindset tools can help you operate from a connected state where your heart, mind, and body are aligned to create better balance, clarity, and decisions in business and life.